Art inspired by Ancient Greece

If you want to buy a ring and you do not know the size that suits you, please follow the instructions below in order to find the right size for you. To find the right ring size, as accurately as possible please follow the rules below:

  • Use your own ring, which you wear on the same finger as the ring you are interested in..
  • In case you can not decide between two sizes, we suggest you choose the larger one.
  • Fingers shrink to colder temperatures, so we never measure our fingers when they are frozen.
  • The temperature can cause a change in the size of the fingers as during the summer months the fingers expand.
  • We count our fingers at the end of the day.
  • Be aware that each finger has a different size so do not assume that the ring that fits, for example, on the left middle finger will fit the right middle finger.
  • When measuring the size, focus on the finger joint and not on the root. The upper bouts featured two cutaways, for easier access to the higher frets.



Ring size guide